Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Using Gravity For Travel + Meshwarp Video (UFO Technology)


Referring to this illustration of space/time distortion below, lets assume the red ball A, can generate a

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Wave Fronts - Delta & Omicron Mode | UFO Technology

Above is a legend indicating the designation of the amplifiers from left to right. A, B, and C.  The ON/OFF indications on top of the craft represent the Amplifiers A, B, and C respectively.

Illustrated below are the various combinations of gravity amplifier lensing directions and states of operation and how they influence the movement of the craft. 

The illustration below left indicates how the craft achieves lateral movement.  The depression or distorted wavefront creates an area that the craft simply rolls or falls into.  Perpetuating this effect combined with the lift of the single amplifier results in the craft moving lateraly in a constant fall to the left.  This accounts for the craft looking very wobbley at low altitudes and speeds when not in a maximum distortion state.  Compare this to the illustration to the right which indicates a simple hover mode.  The two illustrations at the bottom compare the maximum distortion state for both the Delta and Omicron configurations.

The Microwave Analogy | UFO Technology

 The Microwave Analogy

Compare the similar graphical patterns the disc as a waveguide and Transverse Magnetic waves in a circular waveguide. Notice the form the gravity wave takes as it is guided up and around the disc. Notice also microwaves in TM11 mode, using cylindrical waveguides. Revolve this cross section and the result is a spherical waveguide which would be geometry of our sportmodel. The natural patterns are surprisingly similar. It is also interesting that the most disruptive of waves occur just outside the elliptical area. This disruption usually results in the air around the disc ionizing, producing the legendary silent bright light.